All posts tagged “Darcy James Argue's Secret Society

Best Jazz 2009 Header

Best Jazz Albums 2009

In this post, we take a closer look at the Best Jazz Albums of 2009—another year filled with remarkable releases. From bold innovations to standout performances, these albums capture the diversity and creative spirit of jazz. We’re thrilled to present this selection and invite you to explore the music that made 2009 a standout year for jazz:

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Best Jazz 2013 Header

Best Jazz Albums 2013

In this post, we take a look at the Best Jazz Albums of 2013—each one providing a unique experience that has contributed to an important part of jazz history.

Instead of ranking them, we’re highlighting outstanding jazz created by talented artists who have enriched the genre. These albums showcase a range of styles and sounds that make jazz so special. We’d love to hear your opinions on this selection, so feel free to share your thoughts. If you know of any albums that should be included, please suggest them in the comments section below!

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September 2023

Jazz September 2023

What should you expect from jazz this month? Welcome to our September 2023 (and a little of August actually) selection of albums that have already been or will soon be released this month. These albums grabbed our full attention, and they are worth your time. They are listed in order of release date.

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